Winter Show
Period| 2020.12.09 - 2021.01.03
Operating hours| From Monday To Sunday 10:00 ~ 19:00
Space| (Closed) Gana Art Sounds
Address| Sounds Hannam #13, 35 Daesagwan-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, 04401
Price| Free
Phone| 02-395-5005
Web site| 홈페이지 바로가기

Exhibition Information

			Gana Art Sounds is pleased to present, “Winter Show,” on view from December 9th, 2020 through January 3rd, 2021, to embrace the coming year with great hopes. This exhibition consists of works characterized by white color by six artists, Ko Younghoon, Wen Ping, J. Park, Oh Sufan, Lee Ufan, and Maria Chang. Rene Huyghe said in his book “L’Ame et I’Art” that color directly reflects the artist’s fundamental nature. As his insightful words show, the six artists interpret “white” as their unique formative language and unravel it in various ways.

Ko Younghoon leaves the background of the moon jar painted with realistic portrayals in white. He extends the interior space of the canvas to the front and rear, linking the illusion on the plane to the real world. Wen Ping reinterprets the moon jar from the Joseon Dynasty with modern sensibilities by developing the irregular shapes. This special shape occurs in the process of making moon jars that the upper and lower hemispheres are made separately and joined. Also, J. Park, who encodes and visualizes dots and lines extracted from pixels, tries to find the meaning of things people perceived as noise and alienated by others. Oh Sufan covers the painting with white color after piled up colors on canvas. Hereby, his painting, “Tranquility” is an expression of the idea that the source of all things is like a state of nothing where nothing is defined. Maria Chang shows a colorful variation of white mixed with the colors underneath the plaster depending on the depth of the matière of the work. And for Lee Ufan, the white margin is not just an unillustrated space, but an opportunity to open a conversation through interference with traces on the canvas.

As you can see the endless possibilities using one color scheme, this will provide a great opportunity to get a glimpse of contemporary art which delivering different messages.			
※ The copyright of the images and writings registered on the Artmap belongs to each writer and painter.
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