Information on the collection and utilization of personal information
Art Map collects personal information for members who wish to answer questions as shown below.
1. Collecting personal information item : [Essential] Member name, Phone number and E-mail address
2. Purpose of collecting and using personal information : to secure personal identification and a smooth communication path according to request for inquiry 3. Retention and Utilization Period of Personal Information : Keeping shall be made for six months from the end of processing the enquiry and destory it.
4. Added Information for the right to refuse consent : You may refuse the above consent for porsonal information collection.
However, if you refuse to accept the request, you will be restricted from asking.
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정보 수정 요청서
※ 작가,전시회 담당자가 아닌 경우 요청이 반려될 수 있습니다.
Information on the collection and utilization of personal information
Art Map collects personal information for members who wish to answer questions as shown below.
1. Collecting personal information item : [Essential] Member name, Phone number and E-mail address
2. Purpose of collecting and using personal information : to secure personal identification and a smooth communication path according to request for inquiry 3. Retention and Utilization Period of Personal Information : Keeping shall be made for six months from the end of processing the enquiry and destory it.
4. Added Information for the right to refuse consent : You may refuse the above consent for porsonal information collection.
However, if you refuse to accept the request, you will be restricted from asking.
I agree with you on the collection and utilization of porsonal information. *
1944, Graduated from Tokyo Women's Art School, Japan Career
Oriental painter
Born in Jinnampo
Spouse: Kim Ki-chang
1966 - 1967 : Professor of Oriental Painting at Sungshin Women's College
1963 - 1965 : Sungshin Women's Criminology University Instructor" Awards career
He won the Changdeok Palace Prize, the highest prize in Shenzhen, and also won the Presidential Prize in the 1956 National Exhibition. Awarded the 6th Shin Simei Award in 1974.
He broke up traditional oriental paintings with his father and pioneered the neo-classical landscapes of Korean paintings. In 1969, he studied the prints of the paintings and had a lot of exhibitions of oriental paintings and prints. He served as a professor at Sungshin Women's University and served as a member of the National War Review Committee (1961-1963) and won the Shin Saimdang Prize (1974). Some of his major works include '노점,' '부엉이,' and '五月.'