Rebecca Ackroyd : Fertile Ground
Period| 2022.08.30 - 2022.10.13
Operating hours| Weekdays 10:00 - 19:00 Weekends and public holidays 11:00 - 19:00
Space| Peres Projects Seoul/Seoul
Address| 249, Dongho-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea
Closed| Mon
Price| Free
Phone| 02-2233-2335
Web site| 홈페이지 바로가기
Rebecca Ackroyd

Exhibition Information

  • Rebecca Ackroyd Trickle
    2022 Drawing - Gouache, soft pastel on Somerset satin paper 184 x 143 cm
    (source = peresprojects)

  • Rebecca Ackroyd Boring content
    2022 Drawing - Gouache, soft pastel on Somerset satin paper 185 x 133 cm
    (source = peresprojects)

  • Rebecca Ackroyd playing alone
    2022 Sculpture - Epoxy resin, steel, acrylic paint 85 x 56 x 56 cm
    (source = peresprojects)

  • Rebecca Ackroyd playing alone
    2022 Sculpture - Epoxy resin, steel, acrylic paint 85 x 56 x 56 cm
    (source = peresprojects)
  • 			Peres Projects is pleased to present Fertile Ground, Rebecca Ackroyd’s (b. 1987 in Cheltenham, UK) first solo exhibition in Asia.
    Made up of new works on paper as well as two sculptures, Ackroyd describes an encounter with a building site in London as the impetus for this exhibition. A deep gash in the ground, reveals a complex system of pipes and metal within the foundation of the planned structure. In Fertile Ground, the artist explores the infrastructure of the subconscious, and the subterranean workings of memory.
    (source = peresprojects)			
    ※ The copyright of the images and writings registered on the Artmap belongs to each writer and painter.
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