무나씨 : 스밈
Period| 2022.10.22 - 2022.12.04
Operating hours| 12:00 - 20:00
Space| Everyday Mooonday/Seoul
Address| 14, Songpa-daero 48-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Closed| Mon.
Price| Free
Phone| 0507-1480-0309
Web site| 홈페이지 바로가기

Exhibition Information

  • Exhibition view

  • MOONASSI Moo Nothing IX
    2022 Ink and Acrylic on Paper

  • MOONASSI Remains When We Were Anybody
    2022 Ink and Acrylic on Paper

  • MOONASSI A Bigger Version of Me
    2022 Ink and Acrylic on Paper
  • 			Everydaymooonday presents Moonassi’s second solo exhibition from October 22nd to December 4th. In his first solo exhibition at EM gallery, Daehyun Kim portrayed the ambiguity of relationships exploring the complexity of the inner self with minimal color palettes and style. For this exhibition , he takes the next step from exploring the ambiguous borders between the self and others to further depict the immersive experiences we have with each other's presence and time.
    The moment you are imbued in the scent, color, time and presence of others, everything in the past no longer exists. Seeping into another’s presence and allowing yourself to depart from the self is the inert empathetic passion to assimilate with others. The concept of self you are intertwined with disperses and opens up a new world in a state of selflessness, welcoming others.
    Greeting others by breaking away from the intrinsic self is the sublime will to embrace the inner resistance in this struggle. This is the silent trust we have among us in the journey of life we have together. This may feel reckless but not futile.
    Each individual’s time intersects and shares multiple colored lights. These lights are more abundant and beautiful than anything you’ve felt, and the moment it becomes meaningful to each other the world becomes their own. This is a world away from futility where even adversity becomes happiness. This is jouissance!
    In this exhibition, moona reaches out to another moona to be together and console each other. It is not about hoping for your body and mind to become one with me, but rather to lean on each other in treasuring togetherness despite the many differences we have.
    In his works, you feel the dichotomies of ‘joy and weariness’ of the pure white space in the negative space and the ‘confusion within silence’ in the pitch dark space. The countless strokes in all of these contradictions are the stories of our lives. Like the vast amount of strokes, we constantly discover each other. These discoveries shape into a voluminous shape building ‘our lives’ or ‘smim’ of each other.
    Daye Shin
    Everyday Mooonday
    (Source = everydaymoonday)			
    ※ The copyright of the images and writings registered on the Artmap belongs to each writer and painter.
    팸플릿 신청
    *신청 내역은 마이페이지 - 팸플릿 신청에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 6부 이상 신청시 상단의 고객센터로 문의 바랍니다.
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