시야오 왕 : 알롱제
Period| 2023.07.04 - 2023.08.19
Operating hours| 10:00 - 18:00
Space| Perrotin Dosan Park/Seoul
Address| 10, Dosan-daero 45-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
Closed| Sunday
Price| Free
Phone| 02-545-7978
Web site| 홈페이지 바로가기
시야오 왕(Xiyao WANG)

Exhibition Information

  • Exhibition view

    photograph : M2 STUDIO (Source = Perrotin)

  • Exhibition view

    photograph : M2 STUDIO (Source = Perrotin)

  • Exhibition view

    photograph : M2 STUDIO (Source = Perrotin)

  • Exhibition view

    photograph : M2 STUDIO (Source = Perrotin)
  • 			Perrotin Dosan Park is pleased to present Allongé – Out of Reach, an exhibition by Berlin-based painter Xiyao Wang. The Chinese-born artist’s dynamic, expansive works are endowed with a palpable presence—or perceptual affect—generated through a highly physical painting process in which bold gesture finds form amid vast fields of empty space. For her second solo presentation with the gallery, Wang expands her ongoing inquiry into expressions of embodied subjectivity, producing large-scale gestural abstractions that implicate notions of temporality and mobility, form and void, substance and spirit. Her paintings disclose a minimal approach to mark-making that derives from the artist’s introspective exploration of subconscious states of spatial awareness, filtered through a cross-cultural lens that integrates sensible phenomena, spatial receptivity and philosophical hermeneutics.
    (Source = Perrotin)			
    ※ The copyright of the images and writings registered on the Artmap belongs to each writer and painter.
    팸플릿 신청
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