Information on the collection and utilization of personal information
Art Map collects personal information for members who wish to answer questions as shown below.
1. Collecting personal information item : [Essential] Member name, Phone number and E-mail address
2. Purpose of collecting and using personal information : to secure personal identification and a smooth communication path according to request for inquiry 3. Retention and Utilization Period of Personal Information : Keeping shall be made for six months from the end of processing the enquiry and destory it.
4. Added Information for the right to refuse consent : You may refuse the above consent for porsonal information collection.
However, if you refuse to accept the request, you will be restricted from asking.
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정보 수정 요청서
※ 작가,전시회 담당자가 아닌 경우 요청이 반려될 수 있습니다.
Information on the collection and utilization of personal information
Art Map collects personal information for members who wish to answer questions as shown below.
1. Collecting personal information item : [Essential] Member name, Phone number and E-mail address
2. Purpose of collecting and using personal information : to secure personal identification and a smooth communication path according to request for inquiry 3. Retention and Utilization Period of Personal Information : Keeping shall be made for six months from the end of processing the enquiry and destory it.
4. Added Information for the right to refuse consent : You may refuse the above consent for porsonal information collection.
However, if you refuse to accept the request, you will be restricted from asking.
I agree with you on the collection and utilization of porsonal information. *
Lee Bae Brushstroke n66
2022 Charcoal ink on paper 162 × 130 cm
(Source = Perrotin, Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin)
Perrotin Seoul is pleased to present Zero, Ten, a group show featuring MADSAKI, Takashi Murakami, Lee Bae, Josh Sperling, Paola Pivi and Joaquín Boz.
The exhibition title derives from ‘The Last Futurist Exhibition of Paintings 0,10’ which announced the beginning of Russian avant-garde painting. ‘0’ means to break from the preceding custom and norms of paintings and return to the basics. ‘10’ is a number that symbolizes completion and perfection as well as representing the number of artists participating in the exhibition.
Kazimir Malevich (1879-1935), a pioneer of Suprematism, sought to put an end to Cubist and Futurist paintings that were in vogue throughout Europe at the time and explore the purest form of painting. Malevich suggested a new genesis for contemporary art by stating that Painting is an expression of ultimate value, not an imitation of nature’s form. This exhibition encompasses the works of various artists who explore the essence of painting.
The exhibition will also showcase a special collaboration project of MADSAKI and K-pop artist TAEYANG. The cover image of TAEYANG’s mini album ‘Down to Earth’, released in April, was reinterpreted by MADSAKI’s unique style, and embellished the album cover of the recently released limited-edition vinyl. With the collaboration drawing great attention, this show reveals MADSAKI’s three new paintings that capture TAEYANG’s story.
(Source = Perrotin)
※ The copyright of the images and writings registered on the Artmap belongs to each writer and painter.
팸플릿 신청
*신청 내역은 마이페이지 - 팸플릿 신청에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 6부 이상 신청시 상단의 고객센터로 문의 바랍니다.