학고재 소장품: 21.2세기
Period| 2020.01.22 - 2020.05.31
Operating hours| 10:00-18:00
Space| Hakgojae Art Center/Seoul
Address| 50, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Closed| Mon
Price| Free
Phone| 02-720-1524 ~ 6
Web site| 홈페이지 바로가기
안토니 곰리
줄리안 오피
정현,양아치,안드레아스 에릭슨

Exhibition Information

  • Installation View

  • Installation View

  • Installation View

  • Installation View

  • 			In 2020, he recalls this sentence by breathing in his first breath. ‘The future is now.[1]' Paik Nam-joon (1932-2006, Seoul) lived yesterday, drawing on today's time. As he did in his New Year's greetings to George Orwell (1903-1950, India), he kept looking forward to tomorrow with an optimistic attitude We just met the symbolic date of 2000. It has undergone numerous attempts and changes amid a mixture of excitement and fear. Art has expanded fences and broken down customs. The criteria for judgement were also diversified in proportion to the infinitely extended radius. It is now over the 21.2th century. The exhibition will showcase the collection of Hakgojae. With Paik Nam-june as the topic of conversation, I will introduce various works by Korean and foreign artists.
    [1] PAIK, Nam June. “People talk about the future being tomorrow, but the future is now.” in: ARTnews (New York: 1995).			
    ※ The copyright of the images and writings registered on the Artmap belongs to each writer and painter.
    팸플릿 신청
    *신청 내역은 마이페이지 - 팸플릿 신청에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 6부 이상 신청시 상단의 고객센터로 문의 바랍니다.
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