박아람 : Blue, Blue
Period| 2021.06.11 - 2021.06.29
Operating hours| 11:00 - 19:00
Space| The Reference
Address| 44, Jahamun-ro 24-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Closed| Mon.
Price| Free
Phone| 070-4150-3105
Web site| 홈페이지 바로가기

Exhibition Information

			Park Aram draws pictures by devising an order that uses color as an index of the matrix, just as the pages of the book she likes are marked with colored bookmarks.
Blue and Blue, which will be presented this time, will open an endless side like the sky or draw the side before it stretch out.
Books published during the exhibition will be published in another form.			
※ The copyright of the images and writings registered on the Artmap belongs to each writer and painter.
팸플릿 신청
*신청 내역은 마이페이지 - 팸플릿 신청에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 6부 이상 신청시 상단의 고객센터로 문의 바랍니다.
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