Information on the collection and utilization of personal information
Art Map collects personal information for members who wish to answer questions as shown below.
1. Collecting personal information item : [Essential] Member name, Phone number and E-mail address
2. Purpose of collecting and using personal information : to secure personal identification and a smooth communication path according to request for inquiry 3. Retention and Utilization Period of Personal Information : Keeping shall be made for six months from the end of processing the enquiry and destory it.
4. Added Information for the right to refuse consent : You may refuse the above consent for porsonal information collection.
However, if you refuse to accept the request, you will be restricted from asking.
I agree with you on the collection and utilization of porsonal information. *
정보 수정 요청서
※ 작가,전시회 담당자가 아닌 경우 요청이 반려될 수 있습니다.
Information on the collection and utilization of personal information
Art Map collects personal information for members who wish to answer questions as shown below.
1. Collecting personal information item : [Essential] Member name, Phone number and E-mail address
2. Purpose of collecting and using personal information : to secure personal identification and a smooth communication path according to request for inquiry 3. Retention and Utilization Period of Personal Information : Keeping shall be made for six months from the end of processing the enquiry and destory it.
4. Added Information for the right to refuse consent : You may refuse the above consent for porsonal information collection.
However, if you refuse to accept the request, you will be restricted from asking.
I agree with you on the collection and utilization of porsonal information. *
How does it make a healthy and pleasant, but also strong and solid relationship? - Starting with this question from Kim Dae-hyun, the exhibition begins at the end of June. Instead of answering questions that cross others and us, the writer's silent questions resemble the performer's image rather than feels like persistent. The artist, who has built his own world of work with consistency, will present works with contemplative views with this individual exhibition, giving a new inspiration to the reality of "I."
Ambiguous is an unknown area because it cannot define its meaning as one. I can distinguish myself from others, and sometimes I can be expressed abstractly.
Using ambiguous figures, the artist destroy s the definition of the original relationship, leading people to look into each other's 'self'. The artist's method of expanding the realm of expressing this expresses his or her ideas, but opens up the possibility of various interpretations without forcing viewers to answer.
These days, it is difficult to meet someone as it is these days. I hope that this exhibition will allow you to remove the noise of the world for a while, stay in the space, and think about the proper distance between you and others.
-artist's note
※ The copyright of the images and writings registered on the Artmap belongs to each writer and painter.
팸플릿 신청
*신청 내역은 마이페이지 - 팸플릿 신청에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 6부 이상 신청시 상단의 고객센터로 문의 바랍니다.