박종규 : 수직적 시간 Vertical Time
Period| 2021.06.29 - 2021.07.18
Operating hours| 10:00 - 19:00
Space| Gana Art nine one/Seoul
Address| 829, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Closed| No Holiday
Price| Free
Phone| 02-795-5006
Web site| 홈페이지 바로가기

Exhibition Information

  • ~kreuzen
    2020 (이미지 제공 =가나아트센터) Acrylic on canvas 227.3 x 181.8cm, 89.5 × 71.6 in.

  • Vertical time
    2021 (이미지 제공 = 가나아트센터) Acrylic on canvas 130.3 x 97cm, (60호), 51.29 × 38.18 in._38

  • Vertical time
    2021 (이미지 제공 = 가나아트센터) Acrylic on canvas 130.3 x 97cm, (60호), 51.29 × 38.18 in._45

  • Vertical time
    2021 (이미지 제공 = 가나아트센터) Acrylic on canvas 162.2 x 130.3cm, (100호), 63.9 × 51.3 in._44
  • 			Gana Art Nineone is pleased to announce J Park(Jongkyu Park, b. 1966-)’s solo exhibition 《Vertical Time》. Based in Daegu, the artist’s artistic practice is about visualizing noise generated by electronic devices. The ‘noise’ in his works represents things that are considered as useless or unnecessary and discarded, and he visually highlights things that are chosen or excluded by humans and gives artistic value to them. In his new works the artist tried to embody an unpredictable and accidental shapes destroying schematic dots and lines. In addition, changing the names on series by period, for this exhibition he named them by 《Vertical Time》 to focus on the concept of time and to deliver a proper message. The title, originated from the French philosopher Gaston Bachelard(b. 1884-1962)’s concept of ‘vertical time’ in his L’Intution de l’instant, means the time when we enjoy a life filled with various perspectives and imaginations out of our ordinary lives. The artist can be said to have enjoyed artistic time, that is, vertical time, the moment when creativity is expressed by the unique perspective that reverses the concept of noise. It this solo exhibition, the products of vertical time are presented to the audience. They are paintings stacked with noise images, a video where those images are implemented in a four-dimensional space, and also an aluminum sculpture in a shape of extracted noise lines. Gana Art Nineone hopes that the exhibition would be an opportunity to experience the artistic time, so-called vertical time that provides fresh stimulation to our daily life.			
    ※ The copyright of the images and writings registered on the Artmap belongs to each writer and painter.
    팸플릿 신청
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