변월룡: 경계를 넘다
Period| 2020.06.23 - 2020.08.30
Operating hours| 10:00 - 18:00
Space| Gyeongju Arts Center
Address| 1, Alcheonbuk-ro, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Closed| Mon.
Price| General: 5,000 won Children, Youth, Soldiers: 3,000 won
Web site| 홈페이지 바로가기

Exhibition Information

  • Mother
    1938 , [출처] 경주 예술의전당 홈페이지 Oil on canvas 38.5x30.5 cm

  • A Pavilion in Pyongyang
    1954, [출처] 경주 예술의전당 홈페이지 Oil on canvas 36.5x94 cm

  • Rocks and Deers
    1971, [출처] 경주 예술의전당 홈페이지 Oil on canvas panel 50x70 cm

  • Wife and Daughtor
    1968, [출처] 경주 예술의전당 홈페이지 Pastel on paper 63x50 cm
  • 			The 10th anniversity of the opening of the Gyeongju Arts Center, <Byun Wol-ryong: Crossing the Boundary>, is an exhibition that sheds light on the life of Byun Wol-ryong, a diaspora active in Russia and North Korea across ideologies and countries. Byun Wol-ryong was born in Primorsky, Russia, studied at the Lefin College of Fine Art in St.Petersburg and became the first Korean to serve as a professor at the University of Lefin Art. At one time, he served as dean and advisor of the Pyongyang University of Fine Arts in his native North Korea. The life of Byun Wol-ryong, a disaporin, penetrates not only modern Korean history but also modern and contemporary Russian history. He is a living witness of history, crossing ideological and national boundaries and capturing his gaze in canvas.
    In this exhibition, Byun Wol-ryong's works were arranged in a certain order of time, organized in a general and three-dimensional manner, so that the world of his works could be understood comprehensively. The year marks the 30th anniversary of Byun Wol-ryong's death with a few months left before the diplomatic mission between Korea and Russia. Byun Wol-ryong's retrospective is an exhibition that looks into the modern and contemporary history of Russia and Korea and reflects on the modern and an contemporary history of Gyeongju. Through still unfamiliar to us, Byun Wol-ryong's research begins now.
    [Source] Gyeongju Arts Center homepage			
    ※ The copyright of the images and writings registered on the Artmap belongs to each writer and painter.
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