2021 화랑미술제
Period| 2021.03.03 - 2021.03.07
Operating hours| 11:00 - 19:30 / 7th 18:00 * Admission is allowed up to 1 hour before the deadline. * VIP Preview 17:00 - 20:00
Space| Coex
Address| 513, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Closed| holiday
Price| Adults/15,00 KRW Student(includes college students)/10,000 KRW Free Admission / Children 7 and under, Senior Citizens 65 and over (Only with valid I.D), individuals merited by the state, visitors with disabilities (valid for 1 extra guest) *Group discounts are not providing, because of COVID-19 guidelines restriction for the number of people in the Coex hall. *Multiple discounts cannot be applied
Phone| 02-6000-0114
Web site| 홈페이지 바로가기

Exhibition Information

  • (한국화랑협회 제공)

  • (한국화랑협회 제공)

  • (한국화랑협회 제공)
    ※ The copyright of the images and writings registered on the Artmap belongs to each writer and painter.
    팸플릿 신청
    *신청 내역은 마이페이지 - 팸플릿 신청에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 6부 이상 신청시 상단의 고객센터로 문의 바랍니다.
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