2021 홍티예술촌 입주작가 릴레이 전시
Period| 2021.05.26 - 2021.09.30
Operating hours| 10:00 - 18:00
Space| Hongti art village/Busan
Address| 74, Hongti-ro, Saha-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea
Closed| Sunday, Monday
Price| Free
Phone| 051-220-4919
Web site| 홈페이지 바로가기

Exhibition Information

  • biotope
    2021 (출처= 홍티예술촌) Mixed Media 20 x 20 x 30cm

  • biotope
    2021 (출처= 홍티예술촌) Mixed Media 20 x 20 x 50cm

  • episode - M
    2021 (출처= 홍티예술촌) Mixed Media 70 x 360 x 130cm

  • (출처= 홍티예술촌)
  • 			Hongti Art Village, a creative hub in Seobusan, holds a total of 8 solo exhibitions, 2 each for 4 months from May 26th to September 30th. The exhibition can be found on the 1st and 2nd floors of the exhibition hall, “2021 Hongti Art Village Resident Artist Relay Exhibition”.
    「2021 Hongti Art Village Resident Artist Relay Exhibition」 aims to provide 8 artists in Hongti Art Village with exhibition space to alleviate the burden of creative presentation and provide opportunities for local residents to enjoy various cultures.
    Starting with <YMB:contemplate naute[life] by artists Kang-Hoon Ma and Sang-Hwa Yoo as the artists who open the door to the exhibition, a relay exhibition of resident artists, starting with the last artists Chang-Woon Lee and Han-Sam Park, can be seen at Hongti Art Village.
    (Source = Hongti Art Village) 			
    ※ The copyright of the images and writings registered on the Artmap belongs to each writer and painter.
    팸플릿 신청
    *신청 내역은 마이페이지 - 팸플릿 신청에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 6부 이상 신청시 상단의 고객센터로 문의 바랍니다.
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