강이연 : 앤트로포즈 Anthropause
Period| 2021.07.21 - 2021.08.21
Operating hours| 10:00 - 18:00
Space| PKM Gallery/Seoul
Address| 40, Samcheong-ro 7-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Closed| Sun, Mon
Price| Free
Phone| 02-734-9467
Web site| 홈페이지 바로가기

Exhibition Information

  • Finite
    2021. Courtesy of the artist & PKM Gallery. (출처= PKM갤러리) Immersive audio-visual installation 9.5 x 7.7 x 5 m / duration: 6' 20"
  • 			The PKM Gallery showcases an exhibition of works by Kang Yeon (b.1982), who has recently shown the most active activities in and out of Korea. In this solo exhibition titled "Antropose Anthropause", drawings featuring the design process of the latest two pieces, "Infinite", "Limited Finite", and the works will be displayed.
    (source=PKM Gallery)			
    ※ The copyright of the images and writings registered on the Artmap belongs to each writer and painter.
    팸플릿 신청
    *신청 내역은 마이페이지 - 팸플릿 신청에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 6부 이상 신청시 상단의 고객센터로 문의 바랍니다.
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